TSC-10/DD Revised version history ver 3.05.16P -> ver 3.08.06P (2002.11.25) Revision: An EEPROM calibration function was added. Revision: Id and Port item were added in the devices tab of property window. Similarly in a device tab, the function which the item of the controller is displayed in a red character when a cantroller cannot be used was added. Revision: Deglitch function was added in the Advanced tab of property window. Corrected: In Windows98(SE), when touching the inside of the MS-DOS prompt window on Windows, the problem that coordinates shift was corrected. Corrected: In Windows95, when an IPX/SPX-compatible protocol and Microsoft network share service are installed as a network component, the problem that a touch loses its effect was corrected. ver 3.05.06P -> ver 3.05.16P (2002.7.12) Corrected: OS is installed to PC when a USB function is OFF on BIOS. The fault that a serial controller does not operate is corrected. ver 3.05.00P -> ver 3.05.06P (2002.5.1) Revision: It copes with Windows95, Windows98(SE), WindowsME, WindowsNT4Workstation and Windows2000Professional in addition to WindowsXP, too. Revision: A clone function was added. ver 3.04.00P -> ver 3.05.00P(2002.3.7) Revision: It copes with a multi-touch screen. Corrected: When this software is installed, "stop of the installation" is chosen, and a driver is loaded. After that, the problem that a PC restarts when it is inputted to the touch screen is corrected. Corrected: When installation is done with a USB controller connected to the PC before installing this software, the problem that the number of USB controllers increases and it is indicated is corrected. ver 3.04.00P (2002.2.19) An upgrade along with the complete code renewal. ver3.x first release.