Version 02:00 28 May 1999 00:38 Initial Whiteboard production release Enhancements to event selector Event selector in system tray Version 02:01 29 May 1999 20:36 Event selector (virtual mouse) now retains one hit mode One hit mode is now installation default Fixed double click problems Fixed exception 00 in Toolbar processing OEM Customisation Version 02:02 30 May 1999 11:19 USB data transfer errors corrected Version 02:03 10 June 1999 23:38 Full FIFO support Suspend to disk support OEM customisation for non standard UART USB DCU hardware screen fixed Standard Install excludes Whiteboard components System tray has event selector option System tray mouse icon buttons enhanced ISRQueue concurrency problem during overflow fixed Install problem with custom ports fixed Version 02:04 13 June 1999 21:39 TBUPDDMP.sys is now release build Reduced size of setup.exe Fixed problem with DCU add controller list Fixed system tray mouse loop bug after mode change Disallowed deletion of last calibration style Fixed problems adding calibration styles Version 02:05 17 June 1999 00:53 W95 Shutdown problem fixed TBAlt text legends TBAlt menu and title changes OEM customisation for non-standard sync operations Driver now supports update of style keys for non-admin calibration Version 02:06 22 June 1999 01:01 Intellimouse problems under NT fixed Version 02:07 27 June 1999 21:45 ***English only release*** Improved multi-point calibration algorithm Fixed DCU bug, unable to change calibration styles Fixed unresolved functions in api library Install USB controllers blocked on unsupported platforms Resolved conflict with BACKPACK driver Improved stabilisation and averaging OEM customisation was not working in install Version 02:08 19 July 1999 01:19 ***English only release*** Windows 2000 support Windows CE support Toolbar "add styles" bug fixed Touch did not reset systray mouse in one hit mode (Japanese language support) Multi processor support on NT4.0 Fixed Serial mouse confict on W95 OSR2 Slow downs under W98 resolved USB Docking USB Suspend Cursor wrap with new calibration fixed DCU view mode fixed Fixed missing DCU on re-install bug ... Version 02:09 26 July 1999 00:19 ** English only release ** controller start macros fixed W2K fix had broken NT4 - now fixed OEM help fixed Multi language system tray calibrate error fixed IR overflows fixed Version 02:10 28 July 1999 02:28 USB assert on redock fixed USB enable touch fixed Resolved conflict with OEM touch pad Version 02:11 29 July 1999 09:05 OEM Customisation Slow down on excessive liftoffs fixed Resolved compiler optimisation problem in usb code Version 02:12 29 July 1999 23:35 OEM Customisation Version 02:13 03 August 1999 00:31 Improved connection error detection and recovery PCMCIA and suspend / resume issues resolved Liftoff time factor improved Version 02:14 04 August 1999 01:50 Auto detect now works after hardware error Corrected multiple timer threads problem after auto detect Version 02:15 26 September 1999 17:47 Fixed W9x liftoff=1 problems Removed calibration wrap when maped point < 0 Version 02:16 08 August 1999 22:03 Improved multipoint calibration at edges Version 02:17 15 August 1999 22:44 Misc NT (un)install issues TBTest was slow under NT Get com port info from NT Suppress serial.sys conflict error Cater for incomplete packets Version 02:18 17 August 1999 20:07 Improved performance with liftoff = 1 Version 02:19 18 August 1999 19:46 Fix for NT "New hardware dialog" Version 02:20 23 August 1999 00:39 IR comm timeouts increased Automatic clone Memory mapped io support First BUS production release Version 02:21 24 August 1999 07:17 Fixed "wrong OEM" porblem with clone option Fix to WinCE send data interface Version 02:22 26 August 1999 02:27 CE Serial buffer size reduced to improve performance Backed out NT serial port event log fix and PNPISA disable change Version 02:23 27 August 1999 01:50 Japanese and English Version Misc whiteboard enhancements Version 02:24 19 September 1999 17:15 Improved deglitch processing Fixed a thread timing error in read data api BUS macros - missing InitHardware label is now a warning (previously gave an error) English only build Version 02:25 26 September 1999 21:39 Non mfc calibrate Fixed WinCE calibration thread problems Fixed occasional Win32 calibration errors Reinit on external hardware signal W9x BUS PIC enable fix Reserves NT serial port - but does not disable PNP Version 02:26 17 October 1999 23:49 Improved W9x mouse port interface quality Look ahead deglitch Harware event reset facility Poll interval reduced to 20 ms Improved ltimed liftoff processing Macro NAK status fix Anchor mouse facility WinCE deglitch length setting corrected WinCE Reset setting fix Build sub versioning OEM customisation Don't redetect after resume Resume now executes driver and controller load macros Don;t delete Windows' temp directory Fix TBTest bad invalidate Version 02:27 21 November 1999 23:19 PS/2 (aux) port support Keyboard support Japanese, Spanish, French, German language support Resolved API linkage issues Signed relative mouse support Low pass filter option Performance tuning options Fix crash in GetDriverVersion Systray popup menu positioning TBTest shutdown removes icon from task bar UART flush now has timeout Version 02:28 07 December 1999 22:18 Special OEM release - not for general use Version 02:29 07 December 1999 22:46 Win CE now supports hardware macros and "reset" Correct Pen 2.0 problem introduced my W9x mouse port performance changes Improvements to Japanese translation Calibration check option API now supports Z and relative co-ordinates TXS/TYS bit identifiers to support signed absolute motion Default deglitch setting now 0 Support for multi language help and licence files DCU now shows macro status Unknown when no ACK Re-sync code now forces a resync if a packet is incomplete for > 2 seconds Some install popups had incorrect header Suppress the "Map Network Drive" button on Installl "Browse" dialog Correct PS/2 display on systray "Enable" option Version 02:30 19 December 1999 23:32 Corrected problems with v2.29 Japanese translation Added title to "Checking calibrate" popup Move DCU localised resources to DLL's Corrected "Not Required" macro status (was masked by "Unknown") TBAPI.lib added to build and SDK Fixed macro crash with malformed hex characters Corrected UPDD branding in French translation Version 02:31 05 January 2000 22:39 MODE macro command added Acontrol Japanese NT playback fix Ignore modem com ports under W9x 2's complement packet encoding support TBSendMacro API TBArchitect copy and paste fixes Debug build of TBApi.lib corrected in release packages Fix for calibrate OK message - only show on successful calibrate Calibrate minimum movement function Sound duration legend in DCU - placement corrected Toolbars made "event aware" Toolbar auto-cal fixed, and support device inclusive and exclusive placement Z threshold changed to use absolute value Removed segment dump debug info to speed up controller refresh Improved NT de-glitch performance Version 02:32 13 February 2000 22:51 NULL reset option W2K Support Improved touch-down filter Version 02:33 08 March 2000 01:11 Replaced tblib with tbapi W2K USB Acontrol recovery when filed to find top level window Acontrol insert missing mouse button up at end Acontrol - drop redeundant motion Acontrol - fix mouse drift Acontrol - reduce window wait time to 1 ms Fix problem loading string resources from DLLs New API TBAPiUnregisterDataCallbackContext AD-hoc settings support Controller implementation support Cal styles -> implementation Bundles -> implementation W2k Support TBApiSendMacro API fixed Changed bundle maintenance (add / remove) WDM inf generation Single / multi file install Event aware calibration Calibration fix for deleted devices Fix crash in DCU events page Fix problems with PS2 and USB hardware page display Toolbar autocal Fix crash in enable interrupts (BUS) Fix crash when no mouse port (test mode only) Changes to accommadate heartbeat interval 20ms - all OSes Improved touchdown filtering Fix to multiple events code Touch at x=0, y=0 is ignored Rotate support Improved thread termination handling at driver unload time Synchronous heartbeat for all OSes Macro comments Single progress dialog during install Fix to install - failed with multiple USB controllers Fix for network install "lock up" Shortened install time (no longer copies setup.exe) Install replaces files before reboot Fix W9x load problem when vmouse calls with ecx=0 Tight coupling of USB to vxd Increased priority of NT mouse thread to "low realtime" Removed NT mouse yield Removed tbupddub.sys Fix - BUS disconnect interrupt during reload Fix - NT heartbeat now runs at PASSIVE_IRQL Macro continues after NAK Auto detect works even if NAKed Scrollable changes list in TBA! Fix - W9x hearbeart accuracy Allow W9xYield = -1 Version 02:34 09 March 2000 23:40 Scrollable history in DCU Uninstall now removes tbupddum.sys and wd.sys Fix for W9x yield = -1 code Support W98 multi monitors separated in Y plane only Version 02:35 12 March 2000 22:57 Improved toolbar event processing Macro support now compensates for timer granularity MSVCRT.dll added to build to support cabinet extraction Removed erroneous debug statement from USB interrupt code TBA, removed implementation details from controller Changed WinCE timer interval to 20 ms (NB no CE support in this build) Version 02:36 15 March 2000 22:05 Allow more ad-hoc settings Improved W98 multi-monitor support Initial firmware macro generation during install Reduce size of single file installation to 1.8MB Version 02:37 23 March 2000 00:17 Change multi file install description Fixed single file install Fix - calibrate timeout left mouse port disabled until clicked OK Blue calibration legends Fix - extended settings screen did not work Firmware settings generated during install Pen 2.0 out of range code reinstated Disable install to non system drive Fix - W98 multi monitor to work after reboot Pen 2.0 support right clicks Version 02:38 30 March 2000 00:41 Install support for multi language help Install support for multi language support (contact) text Fixes for multi disk install OEM customisation - hide DCU history button OEM customisation - hide DCU clone button OEM Customisation - disable advanced hardware option when auto-detect selected FIX - disable com port selection when auto-detect chosen FIX - load localised resources from DCU DLL's NT minimum liftoff time = 2 FIX - tap button modes did not work OEM Customisation - calibrate at startup LOCALISATION - Japanese text for disk 2 prompt Disable driver when full screen DOS prompt active (W9X) Version 02:39 02 April 2000 17:44 FIX - W2K DTR and RTS signals were inverted FIX - Selecting custom without changing advanced settings gave ,isleading message FIX - Autodetect in NT4.0 gave BSOD on single CPU machines FIX - Uninstall did not remove UPDD folder on non-English versions of W9x OEM - disable advanced hardware option except when "custom" port selected LOC - Extra Japanese translations in DCU Version 02:40 09 April 2000 23:44 FIX - Calibration works in "liftoff" mode FIX - Clone support FIX - Power resume now works when vmouse reinitialises during resumption FIX - Suppress serial port conflict message in NT4.0 event log FIX - Stop "new hardware" dialog appearing in NT4.0 ENH - Low pass filter in DCU ENH - Improved callback time-stamping ENH - Interrupt rate timer ENH - Disconnect com port when in full screen DOS mode ENH - Mouse ballistics only changed when W98 multi & custom segment used ENH - Uninstall support for multi language files ENH - Shortcut creation is now localisable ENH - Loose file support ENH - Progress bar title ENH - New api TBApiEnumAdhocValues LOC - More Japanese translations LOC - Shortened French TBTest text OEM - AControl, reduce window timeout to 2 seconds OEM - AControl, ignore "previous" app OEM - AControl, abort script after timeout OEM - AControl, timeout uses relative time OEM - Show CLONE button OEM - Skip directory page during install TBA - Win 98 segregation TBA - Use implementation name when not "standard" TBA - Fixed controller deletion TBA - WinCE reg generation from implementations TBA - Release bulletin Version 02:41 10 April 2000 07:12 OEM - Hide low pass filter option Version 02:42 30 April 2000 10:50 ENH - TBCalib - bitmap customisation ENH - NT 4.0, indirect serial port access (serial.sys) ENH - Raw Trace (test facility) corrected ENH - Macros now support control operations to USB classes ENH - Full screen DOS support ENH - Take serial port buffer length from registry ENH - USB takes buffer size from device config FIX - TBAlt is restored when second instance started FIX - Corrected problems with TBApiEnumAdhocValues FIX - Under NT, reboot requests from DCU did not work FIX - Install did not allow creation of multiple sub-directories FIX - Remove acontrol autostart when installing standard build FIX - Suppress file deletion messages in NT4.0 FIX - RESET option did not work in W2K FIX - RESET option did not work in NT4.0 - indirect mode FIX - FIFO option was ignored in W2K FIX - Serial port was not closed in W2K FIX - Prevent crash following W98 suspend with USB controller OEM - TBPanel is restored when second instance started OEM - Draw autolaunch OEM - Default double click time = 500 OEM - Auto TBR selection TBA - Permit releases of version 2.31 Version 02:43 21 May 2000 23:32 FIX: USB now uses correct packet size ENH: NT4.0 now uses serial.sys ENH: Improved calibration - currently only available in 4 point 20 % mode ENH: Release all com ports if auto-detect fails ENH: Do not suppress zero co-ordinates ENH: Rotate 180 support ENH: Extended USB macro support ENH: USB removed redundant dir= macro command ENH: Start DCU refocuses existing instance ENH: Start TBPanel refocuses existing instance ENH: USB Interrupt thread now starts after macro execution ENH: Acontrol suppresses scripts when draw is active ENH: Callback api timer is now based on packets rather than interrupts OEM: Incorporate calibration BMP files in release package OEM: Second custom build OEM: Branding on TBProgress OEM: Support for 3 new USB controllers requiring custom driver changes Version 02:44 23 May 2000 07:41 ENH: Full support for Windows native multi-monitor mode in W98 FIX: Load NT 4.0 driver after serial.sys (stops KMODE exception in "indirect" mode) Version 02:45 23 May 2000 20:23 FIX: Change to NT4.0 load order FIX: After calibration timeout touching desktop restarted calibration Version 02:46 04 June 2000 23:47 FIX - corrected out of memory error on "dump settings" FIX - calibration background text was missing FIX - suppress direct hardware option in W2K FIX - corrected minor error in 20% 4pt calibration FIX - missing DOS full screen lift events resolved FIX - second install instance does not now force early reboot LOC - corrected text placements in French DCU and install ENH - packet enable function in DCU ENH - calibration beeps(optionally) ENH - clone copies Windows double click settings ENH - remove custom option when using OS com port support TBA - can now bundle TBKeyPad OEM - acontrol now reconises Japanese Draw OEM - Recorder and TBPanel changes for new TBRs OEM - additional firmware page OEM - hide version in TBProgress OEM - rename toolbar to action bar Version 02:47 07 June 2000 00:27 ENH - Improved calibration error rejection (MinCalDelta) TBA - TBKeyPad integrated release TBA - Language customisation for DCU OEM - TBR files now work for newer software OEM - added new calibration customisation bitmaps OEM - replace TBKey with TBKeyPad OEM - removed default.tbr Version 02:48 11 June 2000 20:19 ENH - Device name on calibration screen ENH - Calibration beeps work with sound card ENH - Calibration only reacts to correct device ENH - toolbar "snap to edge" ENH - Whole desktop is now always default segment ENH - Install now supports long file names in W95 install FIX - stopped flicker in customised toolbar calibration FIX - TBKeyPad software removed by uninstall (when integrated package used) FIX - all vkb and tbr files removed by install OEM - projected mode starts Draw annotation OEM - Draw annotation option in start menu TBA - Copyrights updated TBA - Packet comment option Version 02:49 25 June 2000 22:51 FIX - BSOD in W2K when using auto detect - and no controller present resolved FIX - NT4.0 indirect hardware access did not work for some hardware configurations ENH - Add none com port selection in DCU & install serial hardware page ENH - Install removes the temporary file setup.ini after installation ENH - improved integration with TBKeyPad ENH - Enabled systray sub menu is not now a pop up when there is only one device ENH - NT4.0 direct mode now attempts to remove hardware reservation keys ENH - Removed redundant "announce" option from DCU TBA - new option to suppress NT 4.0 serial log conflict TBA - fix to W98 only release script Version 02:50 19 July 2000 20:39 FIX - DCU apply was being enabled when no change had been made FIX - Removed redundant direct h/w options from W2K / NT4.0 FIX - Show localised licence in DCU when available FIX - ACPI BIOS suspend caused failure FIX - Time mode on liftoff event was not working FIX - Systray icons added during cloned install FIX - W2K serial port stall fixed FIX - Install missing components for TBKeyPad FIX - Horizontal DCU list scrolling redraw OEM - Default tbalt to one hit mode OEM - Intelligent TBRs OEM - Default English TBR's OEM - Acontrol, quicker shutdown OEM - PNP id based auto-detect OEM - Tailored DCU OEM - Tailored Install OEM - Systray versioning based on help file OEM - Collapsed systray calibration options OEM - Removed systray title OEM - Select calibration style from systray OEM - Patch for misdetected NT 4.0 COM ports ENH - W2K multi monitor ENH - Auto detect parks on COM port "none" ENH - Improved file not found messages ENH - Calibration bitmaps ENH - Mouse ballistics override confined to W98 Multi only ENH - W2K com port enumeration ENH - 90 degree rotation ENH - Silent install ENH - Allow install to sub folder ENH - W2K bus (pending testing) LOC - Japanese translations for dynamic (control) text LOC - Improved Japanese text placements TBA - Dynamic creation of customisations TBA - Deletes CAB files when release deleted TBA - Packages use implementation name, except when implementation is "standard" TBA - Changed single / multi file default to multi TBA - TBKeyPad integration, customisation of included tbm macros Version 02:51 13 September 2000 06:58 FIX - W9X Crashes when used in conjunction with some video cards FIX - Retain correct timing when NT timer granularity is reduced FIX - Event selector icon was not redrawn in some circumstances FIX - Prevent BSOD in PnP id based auto-detct FIX - Corrected title of installation page - number of controllers FIX - USB mouse caused reboot on W2K ENH - Revision history "start at" option ENH - Default logical desktop segment is "whole desktop" ENH - Improved anchor mouse facility OEM - Hide some events OEM - Tailored DCU OEM - Alternate install folder LOC - Various changes to Japanese translation TBA - Database indexing changed to hash table TBA - PnP ID option added to Implementations TBA - Create sub-trees for controllers and packets TBA - Initial suport for INF based install TBA - Improved handling of existing files during copy to disk Version 02:52 09 October 2000 21:07 ENH - Initial PnP support (1 controller & 1 controller type only) ENH - TBAlt unloads in response to driver unload ENH - Raw data mode ENH - New reset option BYTE-NN ENH - Bundle specific files can be added to INF package ENH - Most debug messages now controlled by DebugLevel ENH - No reboot install (INF based install only) ENH - ACPI hibernate support ENH - W2K Direct hardware support FIX - Dont use DSR's - fixes WHQL driver verifier problem FIX - Don't queue retries - caused lockups OEM - New API TBApiActiveAppHasMacros OEM - Removed PnP based auto detect OEM - New logo bitmaps OEM - VMD_SetMouse_Data was causing trackpad conflict TEC - Use same PnP to UPDD association code for W98 and W2K TEC - Initialise UPDD core at Win32 start (removed need for thread pool) TEC - DCU no longer holds open handle to driver TEC - Apply uses standard retry thread TEC - Improved debug info for macro syntax errors TEC - Removed reload on WM_POWERBROADCAST TEC - Removed reload on WM_DEVICECHANGE TEC - New mouse port interfaces in W2K and W98 Version 02:53 26 October 2000 07:47 ENH - PnP support improvements ENH - HTML help support ENH - unmatched lifotff generates movement to stop screen savers ENH - unmatched liftoff does not generate a button event LOC - Several text changes in Japanese version FIX - Show correct (controller implementation) name against USB device FIX - removed popup message if TBAPI read thread fails FIX - corrected text localisation problem during install FIX - 2.52 DCU was dropping some changes when driver handle was closed FIX - W9X add / remove device manager entries correctly (pnp mode) FIX - DCU defaults processing did not work in PnP mode FIX - resolved WHQL inf checker warnings FIX - TBCalib now shows unsupported error when calibrating in "virtual desktop" mode FIX - DCU add / remove controller is now PnP aware FIX - mouse click test buttons now maintain state FIX - DCU is now redrawn after power events (stops "garbage" appearing) FIX - Setaside memory removes any possibility of inappropriate access to paged memory FIX - Removed small memory leak at driver unload (for WHQL) FIX - Block retry thread until driver initialisation complete FIX - Release all resources if driver load fails (for WHQL) FIX - debug trace mode now read from registry only at startup (was causing bsod in uninstall) FIX - debug message in macro processing was illegally accessing paged memory during interrupt FIX - Unload now waits for system tray close to complete FIX - Handle out of memory condition (for WHQL) FIX - Custom com port was missing from list in W2K PnP FIX - Uninstall removes multi language licence files FIX - Stray pointer was occasionally corrupting PCI register space (W9x direct mode only) API - New API TBApiSetScaledMonitorDimensions API - New API TBAPISetScreenSaverMode OEM - double click defaults OEM - hide LPF TBA - Inf mode option (partial implementation) TBA - Set "driver date" in INF mode TEC - removed W9x thread pooling (driver load now done at KERNEL32_INITIALIZED) TEC - CStore supports binary registry data TEC - NT install is no londer forced to "direct mode" TEC - driver connection object integrated with PnP binding TEC - W9x UPDDInit moved to abstraction layer TEC - Improved allocation tracking in debug build Version 02:54 03 November 2000 00:02 ENH - Win ME USB support ENH - TBSystray daemon always runs ENH - Calibration check now works in multi controller environment ENH - Calibration rotate setting is now purely documentational ENH - Rotation now works at the mouse port ENH - Rotation now works in virtual desktop mode ENH - Virtual desktop mode efficiency improved FIX - Uninstall in W2K now removes entry from device manager (PnP mode) FIX - Removed memory leak when driver handle closed FIX - Dump settings on Japanese NT 4.0 was crashing FIX - INF based install now shows release ID in DCU FIX - Changing from windows multi - monitor to single monitor mode did not work FIX - A failed calibration check did not correctly re-instate auto cal data FIX - Removed 4 point 20% calibration mode because of incompatibillity with some controlllers FIX - USB / Serial combinations were crashing FIX - 2.53 occasionally crashed at driver unload time FIX - Unexpected USB cord removal sometimes caused BSOD OEM - Changed customisation name OEM - Toolbar context link for HTML help LOC - Japanese text changes Version 02:55 09 November 2000 10:19 ENH - New callback for "raw events" ENH - DCU events page hides events with reserved / hidden in name ENH - Reduce tbsystry resource usage ENH - Pen 2.0 installs now work over 3rd party pen customisations FIX - tbsystry crashed on PnP install in clean installation TBA - Allow longer release notes Version 02:56 14 December 2000 16:54 ENH - W2K PS/2 interface support ENH - NT4.0 PS/2 interface support ENH - Support for USB controllers which require init before opening interrupt pipe ENH - Calibration event is now configurable ENH - Unmatched lift wakeup is now configurable ENH - Removed requirement to install USB UPDD before controller plugged in (W98/ME) ENH - Dynamic add of PS/2 device suggests reboot ENH - Reset BYTE option now also applies to last byte of incomplete packet ENH - Macro status reports failure in data transmission ENH - Retain settings page in install withdrawn ENH - PEN 2.0 auto enable ENH - Improved error handling in W9X indirect mode ENH - W2K non-PnP ISA BUS support ENH - New BUS macro command - Wait ENH - New BUS macro command - Fail ENH - BUS macros are now re-entrant ENH - Setup checks for presence of setup.exe FIX - W9X indirect mode BSOD when port unexpectedly open during initialisation phase FIX - Potential crash in usermode registry interface corrected FIX - Dynamically added devices could get incorrect calibration styles FIX - Corrected conflict with USB (HID) mouse FIX - Removed garbage entry from USB INF files FIX - Reinstate DCU warnings FIX - Controllers (USB) which generate spurious interrupts before interrupt enable led to crash FIX - Multi controller install with PS/2 as first malfunctioned FIX - Clone was not working (incomplete application of serial PnP changes) FIX - Recover from mouse port not available FIX- Check for missing USBD.SYS FIX - Install over version 2.2X now deletes old driver files (W2K) FIX - Macro editor was corrupting macros with comments FIX - Check port option now works in NT4.0 indirect OEM - New firmware dialog and macro generator OEM - Flash / flood firmware options OEM - Satisfy serial PnP request API - Renamed ScaledMonitor api to TBApiSetVirtualDesktopMetrics API - TBApiGetRawEventState - new API TBA - direct h/w access defaults to off TBA - W9X yield default to -1 TBA - Standard USB implementation now gets controller name in device manager TBA - corrected W2K MAPI drive change problems TEC - Bus macro editor Version 02:56:02 21 December 2000 15:01 FIX - Recognise PS/2 connnected devices on ACPI systems FIX - Allow USB device replacement on W2K FIX - Removed tnreg.exe from install ENH - support 3 part version numbers ENH - support "build levels" ENH - Allow address / irq to be changed for BUS controllers ENH - Suppport several new PnP devices ENH - Support HID controllers on W2K ENH - Support DTR/RTS/Break in W9X indirect mode ENH - improved USB data throughput ENH - BUS I/O absolute addressing mode OEM - Auto IRQ (BUS) TBA - Intelligent defaults TBA - Quick build TBA - Longer batch timeouts TEC - Upgraded to VC6 TEC - Removed superfluous thread creations on file open Version 02:56:04 29 December 2000 13:10 FIX - BUS installation should set auto-irq OFF except for specific customisation Version 02:56:06 19 January 2001 23:53 FIX - Circumvent Win98 SE startup registry bug FIX - setupapi.dll caused problems installing on Windows 95 FIX - Loose option on multi disk FIX - NT 4.0 indirect mode did not work on some machines FIX - Recover from error when network cable unplugged (hardware specific) FIX - Errors during device deletion when "Apply" not pressed ENH - Lightpen calibration mode ENH - REG: option in BUS macros OEM - Baseline function OEM - Linearisation data load function OEM - Hide event name LOC - Advanced hardware button, new Japanese translation LOC - Minor Japanese placement corrections LOC - COM port list in Japanese install shows all ports TEC - Registry deletions now synchronised with updates Version 02:56:08 21 March 2001 15:09 FIX - Error in BUS mode interrupt selection caused crashes FIX - mouse registry entries >= 0006 were deleted in W9X FIX - Changing calibration style before calibration caused errors FIX - Keyboard APIs worked incorrectly in rotated mode ENH - Write registry entry to signal end of silent install ENH - Allow specification of folder and group for silent install (via registry) ENH - Support for Windows XP ENH - suppress "no mouse connected" in W9X ENH - Auto detect always looks at COM1 thru 4 even if OS wrongly indicates these do not exist ENH - Remove Direct hardware access option from DCU ENH - Report resources in W2K ENH - "First time" calibration now executed later in boot sequence ENH - Restart driver on systems where hardware does not function immediately ofter "resume" ENH - Restart driver when system settings (eg screen resolution) change ENH - Direct hardware support in W2K API - New API TBApiDeleteRegistryValueCached LOC - Missing control in BUS page of Install - Japanese LOC - Added some missing German translations LOC - Reduced size of Japanese install screen to fit 640 * 480 Version 02:56:10 24 April 2001 01:22 FIX - Calibration as non admin on NT40 caused error FIX - NT 4.0 Serial direct mode could crash under certain failure conditions ENH - Don't kill process on registry error during API call ENH - Propagate double click metrics to non admin users Version 02:56:12 19 May 2001 00:30 FIX - Report mouse type = PS/2 when PS/2 controller present FIX - Correctly handle 2 stop bits in W9X indirect mode FIX - W2K & NT4.0 indirect mode sometimes stalled due to incorrect flow control ENH - IRQ selection changed to drop list ENH - Advanced hardware settings title corrected ENH - Support 8042 chips that generate spurious interrupts TBA - Use liftoff bit default can now be set in implementation OEM - restricted IRQ list OEM - new logo bitmap OEM - disable address selction for specific BUS controller LOC - French text on install "folder" page was too long LOC - Corrected "enabled" option on systray menu Version 02:56:14 26 June 2001 13:02 FIX - Bug in registry branch deletion was missing some leaves FIX - Bad data in DCU status removed (when connection failed) FIX - History option did not work for 3 part version numbers FIX - Removed faulty chinese resource dll FIX - W9X PS/2 installer sometime not creating correct registry device entries FIX - Ignore failure in FIFO operations to support incomplete W2K filter drivers (eg Edgeport) ENH - PS2 installation removes all known PS2 controller types ENH - Com port lists include non detectable ports ENH - DCU language defaults to language of O/S if TBA dflt not supplied ENH - Removed irq sharing for PS/2 - caused problems in some machines TBA - Direct hardware override Version 02:56:16 30 August 2001 19:54 ENH - Auto swap xy ENH - Restore calibration style after calibration timeout ENH - Improvements to USB macro handling ENH - Silent install options can be mixed with clone ENH - Support PS/2 interfaces where int occurs before status is set ENH - Don't share PS/2 interrupt ENH - Support W2K systems with no mouse ENH - Allow entry of non-standard com port names in DCU ENH - Suppress W2K surprise removal dialog ENH - Reduced size of setup.exe ENH - tbcalib can now be stalled until a UPDD OK status is seen FIX - W2K indirect mode uses no flow control FIX - W2K indirect mode sets RTS and DTR FIX - Resolved internal error in registry branch deletion FIX - Calibration from system tray was corrupting autocal data FIX - invert x / y was incorrectly applied to relative motion FIX - Cloned install of USB device was removing existing mouse device definitions FIX - dont remove c:\temp - caused problems for Wise installations FIX - Invert X default set incorrectly in 2.56.14 FIX - Correctly handle unrecognised WDM Power events API - New API TBApiGetMaxX API - New API TBApiGetMaxY API - New API TBApiRecordCalibrationData API - New API TBApiRestoreCalibrationData EM - Removed history button for specific OEM Version 02:56:18 25 September 2001 11:16 ENH - Allow controller determination through auto-detect ENH - TBTest is topmost ENH - PS/2 on NT4/W2K flush data from unexpected interrupts to cater for unusual hardware FIX - TBSystry did not work on first execution on clean machine FIX - Improved handling of rts/dtr in W2K/NT4 FIX - PS/2 on NT4/W2K was using incorrect parms to allocate interrupt - caused occasional crash FIX - PS/2 on W9X corrected error in interrupt handler for machines that set data register late TEC - Correctly process duplicate registry updates during start-up TEC - Improved termination of calibration program after timeouts TEC - TBSystry terminates if no driver loaded OEM - New logo OEM - Suppress PnP message for new controller Version 02:56:20 13 December 2001 10:02 FIX - default option for Anchor Mouse corrected FIX - NT & W2K indrect mode support for 2 stop bits corrected FIX - NT & W2K could lose recieved data during macro execution FIX - TBApiSendData did not work on W2K FIX - Multiple similar device install problem resolved ENH - Retry connections on W9X start to overcome mouse driver bug ENH - Interlock mode ENH - TBCalib can optionally wait for ACK before starting ENH - Do not show "future" history ENH - use the true system locale, not the system reported locale ENH - Pulse RTS and DTR to enable some controllers which require this ENH - USB bind to iProduct API - New, TBApiDeleteRegistryValue API - New, TBApiGetIProduct ---- return the IProduct value for a USB controller. API - New, TBApiBeep OEM - New logo Version 02:56:22 21 December 2001 20:28 FIX - Prevent serial controllers showing a PID in DCU devices list FIX - Allow HID devices to be added after USB removel Version 02:57:00 22 December 2000 08:44 This a "beta" test build. It is supplied for evaluation of recent changes only subject to the following restrictions Changes to correct errors and ommissions found during the beta test may be made without notice. However only essential changes will be made - so any changes can be expected to be minimal. If tested and approved the changes will be incorporated into the next producton version of the UPDD software. Please contact Touch-Base for details of planned dates for scheduled releases. Version 02:57:02 23 May 2001 01:46 Version 02:57:04 17 September 2001 10:01 FIX - Removed debug message from tbmorph FIX - Corrected tbseting tab order FIX - Corrected handling of unknown Power messages ENH - HTML help now supported in Morph dialogs ENH - HTML help now supported from system tray ENH - Changes tbsystry to not require /ST option Version 02:59 26 September 1999 19:44 Special version based on 02:15 Version 03:00:00 10 June 2001 20:42 Version 03:00:02 03 July 2001 20:38 ENH - Integrated upddplay ENH - Ignore W2K FIFO errors to enable support for partial filter drivers - eg Edgeport USB FIX - Tbsystray crash in morph engine when called with /s FIX - Right button interface to CIC PenX 2.0 TBA - Uninstal does not remove tbarchitect entries OEM - Backlight control OEM - Html help OEM - Improved custom macro interface and autolaunch Version 03:00:04 30 August 2001 11:32 Version 03:01:00 31 August 2001 21:48 No rev history is available for this version. It is a new product based on UPDD 2.56, with the full integration of PnP support. Version 03:01:02 26 October 2001 11:56 fix - w95 and nt40 now prompt for reboot fix - w95 problem with duplicated registry settings during startup fix - error in TBApiGetRelativeDeviceFromHandle with deleted devices fix - w9x, prevent lockups in inst16 fix - improved handling of hot keys (&) in localisation fix - changed sequencing of rts / dtr signals in NT/W2K indirect serial mode fix - use flow control none in NT/W2K indirect serial mode enh - improved test for PenX / Pen2.0 loaded enh - DISKSIZE option for setup in MKINF mode enh - improved error message on registry error enh - framework for multi bundle support enh - standardised morph file location functions enh - tbcalib bitmap overrides extended to all items, and use standard naming enh - dynamic instantiation of Pnp devices enh - interlock mode enh - changes to device selction in list controls reflect to all tbmorph pages enh - mouse tracking speed set appropriately for relative devices enh - show iProduct on device list for USB controllers enh - progress dialog while unstalling enh - localised about box text, and system tray icon popup "tip" enh - tbtest is topmost enh - PnP serial support added enh - PnP ISA bus support added enh - PnP PS/2 support added api - new api TBApiGetIProduct api - 2 new private api's oem - moved automatic calibration from runonce -> run tec - support for global registry options tec - return meaningful status on timeouts tec - re-organised inst16 source tec - internal driver name is now always tbupdd tec - improved debug messages for heartbeat instantiation tec - merged w9x and W2k WDM code tba - ftp interface Version 03:02:00 06 December 2001 02:17 fix - corrected some minor errors related to 8.3 file names fix - force w2k / xp mouclass.sys driver to start fix - support multiple mouse connections on NT4 fix - beep sometimes locked "on" fix - corrected fonts on morph dialogs (Japanese) loc - localised system tray menu with tbmorphlib enh - tbmorph, big check boxes enh - tbmorph big sliders enh - installer preserves read only attributes enh - installer detects and reports disk full condition enh - option to run systray extensions in an NT service enh - installer can now register active-x controls enh - support localised morph files with [LANG] in name enh - support interlock release time enh - added packets dcu option to tbmorph enh - added history dcu option to tbmorph enh - morphable licence dialog enh - disable com port selection for PnP serial devices enh - morph supports multi line edit boxes enh - interface with Pivot software (0/90 legacy mode) enh - language registry setting overrides system enh - upddplay sticky keys enh - upddplay ascii strings enh - tbtest window placement changed tec - ce abstraction layer now supports finite waits tec - macros moved to separate subtree tec - partial v2.56.x compatibility in tbapi Version 03:03:00 28 January 2002 01:25 fix - W98 wdm driver sound option did not work fix - remove usb dependancy fix - calibration in rotated mode now works correctly fix - calibration text was not shown fix - averaging did not work unless stabilisation was set fix - corrected problems with interlock fix - reinstalling to an alternate folder caused extensions in nt service to fail fix - changes to dcu device selection were not correctly reflected in property page displays fix - upddplay extension caps lock operation corrected fix - w9x serial indirect 115200 baud support did not work fix - nt / w2k indirect serial 2 stop bits did not work enh - support interlock release time enh - inst16 can now remove specified driver instances enh - cosmetic change to installer progress dialog enh - setup now prompts for reboot if dynamic device load fails enh - improvements to setup mkinf mode enh - allow INF name to be specified enh - group and folder install options can be customised enh - double click settings can be customised enh - remove inf files on uninstall where possible enh - extended tbmorhplib to allow program specific localisations enh - iProduct USB binding enh - touch surround option enh - removed rubbish from DCU status when controller is not initialised enh - screen saver detection code blocks first touch enh - screen low power detection code blocks first touch enh - integrated support with new Pivot version (0/90/180/270) enh - sticky keys option now aplies to first character of string enh - MODE macro now fully supported in indirect mode enh - speed improvements on TBApiSendData oem - detect Chinese version of oem utility api - new api TBApiRemoveDevice api - new api TBApiAddToolbar api - new api TBApiRemoveToolbar api - new api TBApiCalibrateToolbar tba - rewritten to integrate with Perforce tba - tbftp ignores .dat files tec - all threaded coded now protected by spinlocks Version 03:04:00 19 February 2002 00:33 ENH - Auto select for serial devices ENH - XP setup improvements ENH - Numeric option for morphed spin controls ENH - Support auto select with 0 controllers attached FIX - Corrected multi threading issue that lead to rare crashes FIX - XP systems disabled mouse on unplug of PnP device FIX - End uninstall with message box to avoid missing bitmaps on final page FIX - Multibyte languages sometimes gave incorrect results with hot keys FIX - Hidden morphed controls failed for some control types FIX - Disabling PnP device triggered dynamic add FIX - Start menu items were not localised FIX - Circumvent XP Japanese problem with uninstall batch scripts FIX - Uninstall did not remove tbsystry auto run registry entry FIX - TBMorph "reinitialise" function did not work FIX - correctly report no resource usage in W9x indirect serial mode FIX - Localise text read from morph combo boxes FIX - TBApiCalibrate used only worked on NT/W2K/XP OEM - Blank out unknown init status in status page of DCU TEC - Perforce integration - Morph Explorer Version 03:05:00 05 March 2002 16:38 ENH - Improvements to USB hot plug code ENH - Allows empty menu.txt so that UPDD group is not created ENH - Allows UPDD files to be installed to any drive ENH - Silent Install ENH - Hidden clone button for this release ENH - Clone option FIX - XP PS/2 did not work due to IRP handling changes FIX - Reboot after PS/2 install FIX - Bus macros are now supported correctly by installer FIX - Recognise pseudo pnp ids with *UPD prefix Version 03:05:02 20 March 2002 09:49 Release for Windows CE only Version 03:05:04 12 April 2002 10:02 ENH - Initial calibration after setup option ENH - Auto switch Pen interface ENH - New linearization algorithm ENH - Help file preference is now based on customisation instead of type (chm/hlp) ENH - Quits calibration if driver not loaded and polls to see if driver loaded so that it can be run in poststup.txt ENH - Support PNP serial devices identified as mouse devices ENH - Disallow installation of USB controllers on W95 or NT40 systems ENH - Restore autocal data after failed initial calibration ENH - Multi-disk install prompts changed ENH - Install of PnP device prompts for a reboot if device not detected ENH - Enables / Disables Comport list depending on whether auto detect is set ENH - TBMORPH - improved handling of endbling / disabling checkboxes ENH - Calibration skips devices with bad macro status ENH - Bus macro support ported fron 2.56.x ENH - tbmorph "EnabledWhen" option ENH - Maximal INF mode ENH - UPDDVideo extension ENH - UPDDClicks extension ENH - Read only support for morph comnbo boxes ENH - Initial rotation uses last recorded value ENH - Don't show calibration screen for non started controllers ENH - Support <5% calibration FIX - 'Calibration failed' message was not shown FIX - TBCalib won't run if a controller is not present FIX - calibrate of non working device caused crash FIX - Corrected PEN-X uninstall FIX - NT4 PS/2 mode was not working (incorrect affinity) FIX - auto select was causing problems with interlock code FIX - Hotkey selection of morph button gave double press FIX - Extensions in NT service should install after a forced reboot FIX - Win 95 PnP install bug fixed FIX - Stops a divide by zero from bad calibration data with a light pen FIX - Shows correct bitmaps for light pen calibration TEC - Changes to support CE SH4 variant TEC - Unicode change for CE compatibility TEC - integrate 03.05.00 CE changes TEC - Extends the extension mechanism to modify menus and hook into an existing WndProc. TEC - Only force reboot on non detected controller in W9X OEM - Changes to OEM config utility OEM - Display the calibration text is a different order OEM - backlight control OEM - Stream mode and test mode off during control operations OEM - touches in surround now reset backlight timer TBA - CE automated build TBA - CE release option TBA - Mac-X release option TBA - Integrated tbkeypad support Version 03:05:06 16 April 2002 11:23 ENH - remove device warning when replacing a PnP device in W2K ENH - TBMorph takes app tile from morph definition ENH - Drive selection option in installation ENH - More generic title in installation progress bar ENH - Option to turn on linearisation (off by default) ENH - Interlock option renamed Priority ENH - New calibration images are defaults ENH - Calibration waits for shorter time for device ready when not installing ENH - Improved installation over UPDD 2.X ENH - Only prompt for reboot when macro not started ENH - Integrated Active Draw FIX - register PS/2 mouse with W95 to support OEM hardware FIX - Calibration style was corrupted when the calibration confirmation times out FIX - NT4 cloned install did not work and general improvements to clone FIX - TBTest direct did not show pen up events FIX - TBMorph localised edit boxes did not check correctly for empty string on English systems FIX - Corrected error message given when help file not found FIX - DCU device list sometime showed incorrect multiple selection FIX - Remove erroneous (PID) in DCU device list FIX - Toolbars deal with controllers with inverted X FIX - Toolbar snap to top and botom deal with inverted Y FIX - calibrate of non working device sometimes caused crash in tbalib OEM - OEM name in Uninstall info Version 03:05:08 16 May 2002 14:04 FIX - Right button operation in conjunction with 3 button mouse FIX - Prevent lockup during uninstall of recordx dll FIX - TouchSurround clone did not support "\" FIX - Corrected error message given when no help file found FIX - Improved tbcalibrate termination code FIX - Close DOS box after UPDDTIDY.bat has finished FIX - Expand runs from same directory as CAB files (W95) FIX - Threads exceeding 4k stack space on W95 FIX - Calibrate skips unstarted devices ENH - revert to legacy detection if PnP detection fails ENH - further improvements to linearisation algorithm ENH - Progress bar during post install controller detection ENH - Disallow uninstall by non admin user - NT / W2K ENH - Customisable install / uninstall icon ENH - Setup now utilises 2MB embedded resource files as W95 can't handle more than this ENH - remove device warning when replacing a PnP device in W2K ENH - PS/2 PnP code now works for all PS/2 mouse types ENH - Checks that running as admin on NT+ ENH - Runs an extra pnp device detection so that USB controllers are correctly detected on XP ENH - Correctly removes signed driver dialog on 2000 ENH - Integrated TBKeyPad install now works without reboot OEM - TouchSurround clone extended OEM - Changed setup message boxes to use OEM title OEM - OEM uninstall icon ENH - Don't display UPDD version number during install for OEM builds TEC - generate PDB file for NT4 driver TEC - Uses full VC++ path so that debug setup builds on all systems TBA - 20 kb safety margin in setup file size allocation Version 03:05:10 21 May 2002 17:02 ENH - DCU add device now selects added device FIX - do not remove existing PS/2 device unless specifically requested DOC - correct error in sample code for TBApiGetRelativeDevice Version 03:05:12 10 June 2002 21:27 ENH - setup can now replace read only files ENH - Improved signature processing on localised Windows 2000 systems ENH - Cater for very long calibration touches ENH - Calibration uses point n - 5 to avoid liftoff errors ENH - improved dialog placement logic in tbmorph ENH - Further improvements to linearisation algorithm ENH - Post install controller detection FIX - tbmorph was not picking up localised button bitmaps FIX - temporary back out of PnP dynamic add code for multiple devices FIX - DCU history was missing latest version FIX - NT4 crashes when using auto select OEM - force reboot on replacement of W98 HID driver OEM - CMD_BACKLIGHT_ON was masked when in monitor low power mode active OEM - Improvements to backlight handling Version 03:05:14 03 July 2002 17:27 ** build withdrawn due to problem with PS/2 fix marked !! ENH - TBMorph new button action "Apply" ENH - TBMorph ExecuteWait now accepts multiple parameters ENH - TBMorph ExecuteWait now accepts as a parameter ENH - UPDDCHECK ENH - Changed copyright dates ENH - Better handling of text on narrow calibration screens FIX - Screen saver mode sometimes remained active when using XP switch users mode FIX - W98 SE Japanese, UPDDtidy dialog box remained on screen FIX - TBMORPH RefreshOnChange did not work correctly in all circumstances FIX - W9x don't stop PS/2 mouse during install of bundle with PS/2 device !! FIX - W9x BUS support adds pseudo PnP device FIX - correction to end of file handling on postsetup.txt FIX - W2K Bus devices would occasionally get crash if the PnP settings were incorrect FIX - Calibration ESC/Timeout did not revert to autocal OEM - Remove active USB device removal text OEM - NFI + UPDD OEM - NFI 4 Version 03:05:16 11 July 2002 23:27 ENH - uninstall removes subfolders under "\Program Files" if this is defaulted ENH - Retry after auto detect failure ENH - UPDDCheck, 0 interval = off FIX - Correct problem with PnP installation in 3.5.14 caused by PS/2 change LOC - Remove untranslated uninstall message Version 03:05:18 16 July 2002 19:39 FIX - upddplay sending VK_ESCAPE while on secure desktop caused problem FIX - on some NT4 systems using autodetect the driver did not work at startup OEM - remove backlight saver facility OEM - OEM specific error handling corrected Version 03:06:00 18 April 2002 11:34 Initial MAC-X production version Version 03:06:02 17 July 2002 11:49 Version 03:07:00 18 April 2002 11:19 Version 03:08:00 17 July 2002 12:01 The attached build is an interim test build and is supplied for end user evaluation of recent changes. Changes in this build will be incorporated into a subsequent product release once validated, however Touch-Base Ltd can not undertake to guarantee that the next production release will function exactly as this build, as further amendmentsmay be required, or certain changes may have to be ommitted. Tests marked as "beta" versions are intended to be as close to the nextrelease as possible, and will only be changed if a significant error is found. Such changes will be notified to any customers involved in a formal beta test. By prior arrangement a beta test version can be locked down for an individual customer for a reasonable period for extended testing, however this is not done unless explicitly requested. While in this locked state development efforts must be duplicated so beta builds may not be locked for an extended period.